Fresh, Remote Jobs with Scoring


My Jobscore uses AI to score, match and engage with your jobseekers.

Here’s the story...

  • Your community is paying attention to you, and trusts you. That's valuable to hiring companies. They are looking for high-scoring applicants.
  • When you talk about remote jobs in your videos, why provide information and a link and see your followers disappear?
  • You can build a long-lasting relationship by connecting followers to an affiliate job site customized for you.
  • In about 2 seconds, My Jobscore’s scoring and matching engine delivers a jobseeker their score for jobs.
  • Your community will be excited to see their scores and job matches, and instantly know which job is right for them.
  • You can say something like this in your videos:

  • "if you follow this link, you can find fresh, remote jobs then get your scores & matches for free”

Sample My Jobscore Remote Jobs website

How It Works

  • We dynamically publish fresh career fan sites for remote jobs and top brands, with the latest job opportunities. The places where Gen Z and Millennials want to work.
  • We publish job opportunities in the fan site to match your community by country, full-time or remote jobs, salary etc.
  • We send you 2 unique permanent links to the fan sites to use in posts., each week. To make posting fast and easy, we give you a support folder with text, quotes, images, videos.
  • We track your traffic and you share in the revenues earned.
  • To promote your career services, products, courses etc., the fan page includes your offers.


The #1 biggest problem for hiring companies is finding suitable candidates.

Our mission is to help jobseekers discover which jobs are a good match, before they apply.

Jobseekers have a better chance of an interview and job offer when they apply to the right job.

Our service helps jobseekers prove their awesomeness! We include a score download PDF.